Loading sensor data

Below we list all the functions available in the NURI software specifically designed to search for and extract data from a given period of time. More details about each function, with examples on how to execute them, can be found further down this page. A live example can be executed from this Google Colab tutorial .

get_data ([tmin, tmax, path, sensor, ...])

Extract time-series data from a range of dates.

data_lookup (path, tmin, tmax[, station, offset])

Lookup available data files within target time period.

check_continuity (path, dataset)

Check if subsequent data file is found.

data_offset (tmin, tmax, station[, add])

Determine UTC to local Local offset to be applied.

data_extractor (dataset[, offset, rate, ...])

Retrieve data time series

biomed_converter (dataset, station[, rate, dest])

Convert binary data into new binary files.

biomed_timing (filename, rate, offset)

Read timing binary file and construct full timestamp array.

read_axis (filename, rate)

Read the binary file of magnetic field axis.

get_coord (filename)

Extracted longitude and latitude from version 2 timing data files.

bulk_decimate (input_dir, output_dir, ...[, rate])

Decimate data in bulk.

get_vmr_data (path[, rate, offset, ufactor, ...])

Extract data from individual VMR data log file

get_gnome (station, t0, t1[, local, rep])

Glob all files withing user-defined period and extract data.

Search & Extract

Retrieve data

nuri. get_data ( tmin = None , tmax = None , path = None , sensor = None , station = None , rate = None , scalar = True ) [source]

Extract time-series data from a range of dates. This function should also work to extract data from individual file. However, we recommend to use the corresponding function in such case. That is, data_extractor() for Biomed data or get_vmr_data() for TwinLeaf data.

Parameters :
tmin str

Start timestamp of the target period.

tmax str

Final timestamp of the target period.

path str

Path to data repository or file. If repository, this method will execute the data_lookup() function to identify the directory structure and look for suitable data files.

sensor str

Sensor manufacturer ( biomed or twinleaf ). If None , Biomed sensor is assumed.

station int

Index of the station, 1 to 4.

rate int

Resampling rate at which data should be downsampled. If None , the data are not downsampled. This parameter is used during the reading the of Biomed sensor axis data (see read_axis() method) and the reading of the Twinleaf VMR sensor (see get_vmr_data() method).

scalar bool

Type of output value. Default is the scalar magnitude among all directions.

Returns :
data gwpy.timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries

Full extracted magnetic field time series.


>>> berkeley = nuri.get_data('2016-4-1','2016-4-2','/content/drive/MyDrive/CityMagData/1Hz',station=2,sensor='biomed',scalar=True)
>>> print(berkeley)
TimeSeries([49.28078686, 49.3740789 , 49.39699749, ...,
            49.23254931, 49.23953604, 49.23309161]
           unit: dimensionless,
           t0: 1459468800.0 s,
           dt: 1.0001736412571627 s,
           name: None,
           channel: None)

Data Lookup

nuri. data_lookup ( path , tmin , tmax , station = None , offset = 0 ) [source]

Lookup available data files within target time period. If direct path to binary file provided, this will simply return a list with the given path as a single element. Alternatively, and if a specific time period is provided by the user, this function will look for either zip files from the Google drive directory structure (i.e. year/month/day/hour/station) or the customised architecture (i.e. station/).

Parameters :
path str

Path to data file or repository

tmin datetime.datetime

Starting time in format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM

tmax datetime.datetime

Ending time in format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM

station int

Station number

Returns :
dataset list

List of paths to identified data files


>>> tmin = nuri.utils.str2datetime('2018-5-7')
>>> tmax = nuri.utils.str2datetime('2018-6-4')
>>> dataset = nuri.data_lookup(path='./MagneticFieldData',tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,station=4)
>>> print(len(dataset))
>>> print(dataset[0])

Data continuity

nuri. check_continuity ( path , dataset ) [source]

Check if subsequent data file is found. This function is executed within the data_lookup() method and is used to ensure that while looping over consecutive hours, data files are indeed found and added to the list. If no files are found, an error message is prompted.

Parameters :
path str

Assumed path to next data file, the algorithm will check if file exists

dataset list

Most recent list of data file actually found so far and up to current searched date

Returns :
dataset list

Incremented list of data files found.

Data offset

nuri. data_offset ( tmin , tmax , station , add = False ) [source]

Determine UTC to local Local offset to be applied.

Parameters :
tmin datetime.datetime

Starting time

tmax datetime.datetime

Ending time

station int

Station number

output bool

Offset value requested

Returns :
offset float

Offset time to match time in targeted filename


>>> tmin = nuri.str2datetime('2018-5-20')
>>> tmax = nuri.str2datetime('2018-5-30')
>>> offset = nuri.data_offset(tmin,tmax,station=4)
>>> print(offset)

Biomed sensor data

Extracting Biomed data

nuri. data_extractor ( dataset , offset = 0 , rate = None , sensor = None , scalar = True ) [source]

Retrieve data time series

Parameters :
rate int

Targeted sampling rate

scalar bool

Type of output value, default is the scalar magnitude among all directions.

Returns :
ts gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries

Time series data, either scalar magnitude or for individual direction.

Biomed data conversion

nuri. biomed_converter ( dataset , station , rate = 3960 , dest = None ) [source]

Convert binary data into new binary files. This function was optimized to prepare the dataset for an entire month of data. Several downsample version of the data will be produced: 3960Hz, 1980Hz, 990Hz, 198Hz, 1Hz, and 1S/min.


>>> nuri convert --path ~/Cloud/Google/MagneticFieldData/ \ 
>>>              --dest ~/Cloud/Dropbox/citymag/data/ --rate 1 \
>>>              --period 2016-5-15-18 2016-5-21 --station 4

Time Reading

nuri. biomed_timing ( filename , rate , offset ) [source]

Read timing binary file and construct full timestamp array.

Parameters :
filename str

Path to the timing binary file

offset datetime

Offset time to match time in targeted filename

Returns :
tgps numpy.array

Reconstructed full timing array

Sensor axes reading

nuri. read_axis ( filename , rate ) [source]

Read the binary file of magnetic field axis.

Parameters :
filename str

Path to data file

Returns :
data numpy.array

Magnetic field data.

Extract GPS coordinates

nuri. get_coord ( filename ) [source]

Extracted longitude and latitude from version 2 timing data files.

Parameters :
filename str

Name of the timing binary file.

Returns :
lat, lon float

Latitute and Longitude of the magnetic sensor.

Decimate bulk of data

nuri. bulk_decimate ( input_dir , output_dir , station , tmin , tmax , rate = 1 ) [source]

Decimate data in bulk. This method loops over files available within the target period and save resampled version of the data in the output data directory.

Parameters :
input_dir str

Path to input data directory.

output_dir str

Path to output directory where resampled data are saved.

station int

Index of station from which data are processed.

tmin str

Start timestamp of the target period.

tmax str

Final timestamp of the target period.

rate int

Target sampling rate


>>> nuri.bulk_decimate(input_dir='/content/drive/MyDrive/CityMagData/3960Hz/',output_dir='1Hz/',station=2,tmin='2016-3-14-10',tmax='2016-3-14-11',rate=10)
> Extracting files from /content/drive/MyDrive/CityMagData/3960Hz//2016/3/14/10/NURI-station-02/2016-3-14_10-xx.zip
  > Process time: 2.2113912105560303s
  > Creating data with 10 sampling rate
  > Process time: 21.934987783432007s

Twinleaf sensor data

nuri. get_vmr_data ( path , rate = None , offset = 0.0 , ufactor = 1000 , tmin = None , tmax = None , chunk_size = 60 ) [source]

Extract data from individual VMR data log file

Parameters :
sample_rate int

Actual sampling rate of the recorded data

rate int

Targeted sampling rate after downsampling

ufactor float

Magnetic field factor to convert into microTesla

Returns :
data gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries

Time series data of the scalar magnitude

GNOME data

nuri. get_gnome ( station , t0 , t1 , local = False , rep = None ) [source]

Glob all files withing user-defined period and extract data.

Parameters :
station str

Name of the station to be analysed

t0 str

Starting time in format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM

t1 str

Ending time in format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM

local bool

Whether we extract local (GPS) or universal (UTC) time.

rep str

Path in which the data are stored.

Returns :
data numpy.array

2D magnetic field data array.